Corporate Governance

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The Code of Practice for the Governance of ETBs state that they should act prudently, ethically and with transparency as public entities and should conduct their activities consistent with their statutory responsibilities.

High standards of corporate governance in ETBs are critical to ensuring a positive contribution to the State’s overall economic efficiency, competitiveness, social cohesion and regional development.

The Board (being elected and appointed members of the ETB) and Management of the ETBs are accountable for the proper management of the organisation. Board members and employees of ETBs should be strongly guided by the principles set out in this Code in meeting their responsibility to ensure that all activities, whether covered specifically or otherwise in this document, meet the highest standards of corporate governance.

Good governance in ETBs encourages better informed and longer term decision-making as well as the efficient use of resources. It strengthens accountability for the stewardship of resources and is characterised by robust scrutiny of relevant issues, having regard to executive and reserved functions as appropriate, at Board meetings and places ongoing emphasis on improving public sector performance.



Cork ETB endeavours to hold a repository of polices that may be of relevance to members of the public. Policies may be drafted nationally by Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) for implementation by all ETB’s or they may be drafted by Cork ETB in consultation with stakeholders. These polices are reviewed and updated, if required, periodically.


Access to Information

Cork ETB will endeavour to make available on its website ( up-to-date information on all of its policies, processes, procedures and general information relating to the organisation.

Members of the public may also, on request, access information held by Cork ETB in accordance with its Administrative Access Policy or under the Data Protection Acts 1998 & 2003 or the Freedom of Information Act 2014.



Cork ETB makes a range of publications available to the public and other stakeholders for their information, in an effort to remain transparent and maintain accountability. These publications range from Annual Reports, Service Plans, Cork ETBs Strategy Statement to press releases and news updates.

Government of Ireland
Co-Funded by the European Union
Solas Learning Works
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