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Current Vacancies

Cork Education and Training Board is now recruiting for the 2024/2025 academic session.
(Please note this section is for all current vacancies which fall to be advertised in line with Department regulations.  For short term casual teacher vacancies or to register your interest for Tutor vacancies, please see the Substitute Teacher/Tutor panel registration section).  

Details of all vacancies (qualification requirements, closing dates etc.) are available by clicking below.

Search and/or register for current open vacancies here:

Substitute Teaching / Tutor Panel Vacancies

Please note that Cork ETB operates a separate on-line registration process for the filling of Substitute Teaching and Tutor Vacancies.

Register for the online Substitute Teaching and Tutor Panel by clicking below.

Any additional queries should be directed to a member of the Recruitment Team on 021-4907100 or

Please note that all applications must be made via the above Cork ETB eRecruitment website. Other forms of application will not be accepted.

  • If you are a new user, please Register your details on the recruitment website.
  • If you are already an Employee of Cork ETB, please use the ESS Portal ‘My Recruit’ option to view details of open vacancies and to apply for same.

A full list of locations under the remit of Cork ETB can be found by clicking below.

Any additional queries should be directed to a member of the Recruitment Team on 021-4907100 or
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