Cork Education and Training Board (hereinafter referred to as Cork ETB) was established under the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013 and is responsible and accountable for the proper direction and control of its functions in the Cork City and Cork County Councils’ local authority areas. Cork ETB plans, provides, supports and co-ordinates education, training and youth services in Cork which are recognised internationally as a model of excellence.
Cork ETB is a driving force of education and training in Cork, providing high quality services which are innovative, responsive and inclusive. Through Cork ETB there is a pathway for every learner.
Cork ETB’s target clients are learners in our schools, colleges, training centres and community settings, applicants under the various learner support schemes administered directly by Cork ETB, Youth Service Providers, Community Education and Training Groups, Voluntary Community Organisations and Communities throughout the City and County.

Vision, Mission & Values
Cork ETB ‘s vision and mission of the organisation were developed through a consultative process with staff and stakeholders. Cork ETB’s strategic plan is underpinned by the guiding principles and values that have been identified by staff and stakeholders as being an integral part of what it means to be a part of Cork ETB and, also what Cork ETB stands for. Cork ETB is a driving force of education and training in Cork, providing high quality services which are innovative, responsive and inclusive. Through Cork ETB there is a pathway for every learner.

Board Members
In accordance with the provisions of the Education and Training Boards Act, on July 1 2013, County Cork and City of Cork Vocational Education Committees ceased to exist and was aggregated into a new body, the Cork Education and Training Board.
The new ETBs will include 21 members comprising 12 local authority nominees, 2 staff nominees, 2 parents’ nominees and 5 members from bodies representing community/business interests. One community/business interest nominee must be drawn from business, industry and employers; one must be drawn from learners’ representative bodies and one must be representative of bodies connected to school management or leadership.


ICT Services
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an extra layer of security for your Cork ETB Office 365 logon account. Verifying your identity using an additional factor (something you have in your possession, such as your phone) prevents others from accessing your account, even if they know your password
Additional factors that can be used for verification include security codes sent as text messages to mobile phones, mobile phone approval apps such as the Microsoft Authenticator App. You may be familiar with some of the practices that are already widely used for online banking and purchasing.

Corporate Governance
The Code of Practice for the Governance of Education and Training Boards states that Corporate Governance comprises the systems and procedures by which organisations are directed and controlled. Education and Training Boards should serve the interests of Government as shareholder, the taxpayer, and all other stakeholders and pursue value for money in their endeavours, including managing risk appropriately.

Customer Care
Cork Education and Training Board (CETB) and its staff is committed to providing a high-quality service, in an efficient and courteous manner to all our customers, in accordance with the 12 Principles of Quality Customer Service for customers and clients of the Public Service. Quality customer service is identified as a core competency for staff. We aim to provide high quality services to customers as stated in our Customer Charter and to continually improve the standard of the service we provide.