Education Support for Ukraine

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Cork Education and Training Board (Cork ETB) is the State education and training authority for Cork.  Cork ETB provides, supports and co-ordinates education, training and youth services in Cork city and county.

The Department of Further Higher Education Research, Innovation and Science, together with the Department of EducationSOLAS and Education and Training Boards Ireland are committed to ensuring a co-ordinated and family-centred approach across schools and further education to meet the education needs of children and adults from Ukraine.

The following email and phone number have been set up to assist you with any queries you may have.


Phone: 086-0326754

Are you looking to continue Higher Education or get your qualifications recognised?

The Minister has confirmed Ireland will do our best to work with Ukrainians to continue their studies.

QQI has published a guide, in Ukrainian, to its online foreign qualifications recognition service (NARIC). This guide will help those arriving from Ukraine compare their qualifications to similar awards on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications, and may assist them in accessing education and employment opportunities here in Ireland.

QQI’s free on-line NARIC service provides information on over 1400 foreign qualifications from more than 150 countries. It allows users to download a document comparing their academic qualification from abroad with similar qualifications in Ireland.

The ENIC centre in Ukraine gives comprehensive information about the general, professional and higher education system in Ukraine, as well as quality assurance and qualifications framework details.

For more information on recognising qualifications contact –

Contact our Adult Guidance Information Officers at the following:

Shirley Deane (West/South Cork)

Claire Nagle (North Cork/CorkCity)

RSS Latest from DeptofEd:

ESOL Class Locations

Ukranian Response

Click the map to view an interactive google map of locations. You can zoom in/out to see multiple locations in a specific area.

Cork ETB English Classes for Adults

Details of our locations and the Cork ETB Regional Education Language Team are below for your information.

To register for Cork ETB English Language Classes go to 

Click here to access the list of courses from September to December 2022

How do I enrol my child in a school or access Education?


Cork ETB has:

  • Primary Level Schools (ages 4 – 12) – Click Here
  • Post primary schools (ages 12-18) – Click Here
  • Colleges of Further Education (age 17+) – Click Here

Please contact the local school in the area in which you are staying for more information and assistance.


Some supports for Ukrainian students:



Language materials in Ukrainian and Russian are now available in digital format on the website EAL teachers use these to support development of the language of schooling. They provide commonly used classroom language in Ukrainian and Russian. A link is also available through which hard copies may be ordered according to the particular requirements of the school.

Resources available to support displaced Ukrainian children’s right to education, as provided by the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights area available through the links below:

Educational Resources for Ukrainian Children (Ukrainian)

Educational Resources for Ukrainian Children (English translation)


National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS):

NEPs has published:

  • Guidance on supporting all children who may be experiencing distress in relation to current events – Supporting Children and Young People in a time of war.
  • Guidance for primary and post-primary schools in relation to supporting the wellbeing of Ukrainian children/young people at this time.

All of the NEPS wellbeing supports for the Ukrainian crisis are available on the Wellbeing in Education webpage on at the following link here.

NEPS is delivering a series of webinars via the Education Support Centres of Ireland, commencing March 2022, to further support schools, and will develop further advice and resources as needs emerge.  In addition, NEPS psychologists are available, on the ground, to consult with schools and provide support as needed.

NEPS is liaising with the Department of Health in relation to ensuring a continuum of provision to support the wellbeing and mental health needs of children and young people from Ukraine, as appropriate.

Useful Information and Guidance

Accessing Social Welfare and Health Supports

In order to best support you, it is very important you register to get a Personal Public Service (PPS) number. This will allow you access all social welfare and health supports.

Any person fleeing the war in Ukraine, who has already arrived in Ireland and is staying in private accommodation but has not yet been issued with a PPS number, should visit one of the dedicated Ukraine Support Centres or their nearest Intreo Centre. They will need to bring identification such as their Ukrainian National Identity Card, their Ukrainian Passport or another form of identification.

You can find information below on the supports and services available while you are in Ireland.


Where to Register or get more information in Cork

Ukraine Centre – Intreo office, Department of Social Protection, Hanover Street, Cork, T12 PX6

Email: or
Phone number: (021) 480 6800


Social Welfare Branch Office, Bridge Street, Bantry, Co Cork, P75 RY96

Phone number: (027) 20820


Temporary Protection scheme for people arriving from Ukraine

The European Union (EU) has put in place a Temporary Protection Directive to allow Ukrainian citizens and others fleeing Ukraine to move through the EU as EU citizens.


Government of Ireland
Co-Funded by the European Union
Solas Learning Works
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