Fáilte chuig suíomh idirlín Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chorcaí. Is é an t-údarás um oideachas agus oiliúint stáit é do Chorcaigh.
I gCorcaigh, bíonn seirbhísí oideachais, oiliúna agus óige á soláthar, á dtacú agus á gcomheagrú ag BOO Chorcaí. Tá conair ann do gach foghlaimeoir trínár seirbhísí. Féach ar an suíomh idirlín le do thoil. Muna bhfuil tú in ann teacht ar cad atá uait nó má tá eolas mionsonraithe ag teastáil uait, is féidir iarratais a dhéanamh trínár leathanach teagmhála.
Donncadh Ó Léime, Príomhfheidhmeannach.
Welcome to the website of Cork Education and Training Board. It is the state education and training authority for Cork.
Cork ETB provides, supports and co-ordinates education, training and youth services in Cork. Through our services, there is a pathway for every learner. Please browse through the website. If you cannot find what you are looking for or need more specific information, requests can be made via our Contact Us page.
Denis Leamy, Chief Executive.

Cork Education and Training Board (hereinafter referred to as Cork ETB) was established under the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013 and is responsible and accountable for the proper direction and control of its functions in the Cork City and Cork County Councils’ local authority areas. Cork ETB plans, provides, supports and co-ordinates education, training and youth services in Cork which are recognised internationally as a model of excellence.
Cork ETB is a driving force of education and training in Cork, providing high quality services which are innovative, responsive and inclusive. Through Cork ETB there is a pathway for every learner.
Cork ETB’s target clients are learners in our schools, colleges, training centres and community settings, applicants under the various learner support schemes administered directly by Cork ETB, Youth Service Providers, Community Education and Training Groups, Voluntary Community Organisations and Communities throughout the City and County.

Cork ETB is the patron and management body for two Community National Schools, two Special Schools and 28 recognised Post Primary schools. Twelve of the post primary schools are designated Community Colleges where there is an agreement with the local Diocese involvement in the governance of the College. Cork ETB provides a range of services to all our schools and colleges including financial, human resource, building, ICT, governance support as well as educational planning support. Cork ETB is also a co-trustee/co-patron of 13 Community and Comprehensive Schools throughout Cork City and County.
Cork ETB provides an educational setting of a post primary nature in collaboration with the HSE, to support students who are not able to participate in main stream provision. This setting is in the form of special care, high support and residential care unit, at Éist Linn, Bessboro Blackrock.

Further Education & Training (F.E.T.)
Further Education and Training (FET) is the provision of education and training services to a wide range of beneficiaries. The services provided range from full-time courses of varying duration, to shorter part-time course options designed to meet a specific learner need, linked either to skills acquisition for employment, or the possibility of progression to further studies.
Cork ETB provides a range of Further Education and Training services, both full-time and part-time, in a variety of centres and settings across the region. Full-time provision includes:
- Post Leaving Certificate courses
- Apprenticeships
- Traineeships
- Specific Skills Training
- Youthreach
- Community Training Centres
- Local Training Initiatives
- Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme
Cork ETB has a number of Campuses of Further Education and Training:
- Morrison’s Island Campus
- Douglas Street Campus
- Tramore Road Campus
- Mallow Campus
- Kinsale Campus
- West Cork Campus
- Bishopstown Campus
Part-time FET programmes are delivered in a variety of settings and locations under a number of funding headings with specific target learner audiences:
- Back to Education Initiative
- Adult Literacy
- Adult and Community Education
- Skills Training
- Night/Evening courses
- Skills for Work

Youth Services
Under the 2013 Education and Training Board Act, Cork ETB is assigned the following function in respect of Youth – “to Support the provision, coordination, administration and assessment of youth work services in its functional area”.
Youth Services represent one facet of Cork Education & Training Board (Cork ETB) – a large organisation that provides services in primary and secondary education, apprenticeships, back to education initiatives, community education and further education & training. Offering a pathway for every learner and supporting young people are key aims of the organisation. Over €4 million in funding is drawn down from the DCEDIY via Cork ETB Youth Services for staffed and volunteer-led youth projects in the city and county. The Cork ETB Youth services team comprises a Youth Development Officer, two Youth Officers and two Youth Support Officers.