Music Generation Cork City (MGCC) unveil the first video in their Lockdown Soundz series.
Borne out of the need for musical creativity and expression in the midst of a pandemic, the Lockdown Soundz project came into being over recent weeks.
Inspired by the editing skills of MGCC musician educator, JJ Riordan and his own found sounds videos, MGCC realised this was something the young people on their programmes could do easily in their own homes. The word was spread and all kinds of random sounds were found during the lockdown. The ultimate goal – to create an audio-visual composition featuring those sounds.
The response to that first installation has been tremendous, with a huge swath of video clip submissions being sent in, that included all manner of household items being found to make a sound!
The fruits of this collaboration are now complete and MGCC are very proud to share this Found Sounds compilation video with you here –
Details of the next Lockdown Soundz project have now by released and more information can be found on the MGCC website –
In a time where well-being and community spirit have never needed more support and encouragement, MGCC are excited to be perpetuating the mantra: though apart, we can still stay connected through music.