General Information on Cork ETB


The Education and Training Boards Act, 2013 provided for the dissolution of 33 Vocational Education Committees (VECs) and for the establishment of 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) in their place on 1st July 2013. Upon establishment, Cork ETB assumed responsibility for the delivery of the primary, post-primary and further education services, previously provided by the former County and City of Cork VECs.

The Further Education and Training Act was signed into law in July 2013. The Act provided for the establishment of SOLAS and the dissolution of FÁS. The legislation also provided for the gradual transfer of FÁS training centres and training staff to the newly formed Education and Training Boards.

The Cork Training Centre, located in Rossa Avenue, Bishopstown is now under the remit of Cork ETB. SOLAS was established on 27 October 2013 and now works with the ETBs to support the development of appropriate further education and training programmes and curricula and the sourcing of further education and training interventions from the private, public and not for profit sector.

Roles, Responsibilities & Functions

Under the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013, the main functions of an ETB are to:

  1. Establish and maintain recognised schools, centres for education and education or training facilities in its functional area,
  2. Plan, provide, coordinate and review the provision of education and training, including education and training for the purpose of employment, and services ancillary thereto in its functional area,
  3. Enter into arrangements with, and provide support services to other education or training providers,
  4. Support the provision, coordination, administration and assessment of youth work services in its functional area,

Cork Education and Training Board is responsible for 24 Secondary Schools and Colleges, a School of Music and 2 Community National Schools, located throughout the city and county, providing a comprehensive and responsive education service for their communities.  Further information and contact details for these schools and colleges are available on our website at:

Cork ETB is also responsible for 4 stand alone Further Education Colleges providing a comprehensive and responsive Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) education service for their communities. In addition, a PLC delivery is provided in units attached to 8 Post Primary schools.

Cork ETB also provides a comprehensive range of further and adult education services throughout Cork. These services encompass Adult and Community Education, Adult Literacy, Youth Support Services, Training and Apprenticeship Services, School Completion Programmes, Prison Education services and Outdoor Education.  For further information see:

In addition, through its Training Centres at Rossa Avenue, Bishopstown and Carrigaline, Cork ETB plays a vital role in the Training Sector, delivering an extensive range of training to a diverse range of clients including those entering the labour market for the first time, job changers, persons wishing to up-date or acquire new skills, those changing careers, persons with a disability and early school-leavers.

Details of the courses on offer, apprenticeships and online application details for prospective students are available at:

Types of Records Held

Cork ETB holds records in relation to service provision, financial information, human resources, procurement, health and safety, minutes of meetings, student records, grant schemes, capital/building projects, etc.

Retention of Records

Cork ETB has a Records Management Policy and a Records Retention Schedule (approved for across the ETB Sector) to ensure that files are purged regularly and securely and that personal data are not retained any longer than is necessary. All records, including student, staff and financial records are periodically reviewed in accordance with this Schedule.


In accordance with the Education & Training Boards Act, Cork ETB is made up of 21 members comprising 12 local authority representatives, 2 staff representatives, 2 parents’ representatives and 5 members from bodies representing community/business interests, one of whom is drawn from business, industry and employers; another from learners’ representative bodies and one more representing bodies connected to school management or leadership.

The current membership of Cork ETB is available here.

Board meetings are held on a bi-monthly basis. Minutes of these meetings are available from the links below:














Working in partnership with the community and other agencies, national and local, Cork ETB’s vision is of “a pathway for every learner” where the organisation supports, encourages and assists individuals and groups to reach their full potential.

Our Vision, Mission, Principles and Values are outlined on our website here.

Code of Practice

The Code of Practice for Governance of ETBs (CL 0002/2019) provides a framework for the application of best practice in corporate governance in education and training boards.

The business of Cork ETB is conducted in accordance with this Code which states that Board members and staff should be guided by its principles in meeting their responsibility to ensure that all of their activities meet the highest standards of corporate governance.

This Code of Practice may be viewed here (PDF).

Cork ETB has also adopted a Code of Ethics by which its members and staff are to be guided in the performance of their duties. This Code is available here (PDF).

Other Governance Boards

Section 45(1) of the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013, states that an ETB shall establish committees to examine and report on the Board’s financial matters and to assist in discharging the Board’s internal audit functions.

Circular Letter 02/2019 – Code of Practice for the Governance of Education & Training Boards provides a framework for the application of best practice in corporate governance in ETBs and also provides Terms of Reference for both the Audit & Finance Committees.

Audit Committee: The function of the Audit Committee is to examine and consider internal audit reports, statutory audit reports and the confirmations of the CE and to report to the Board in accordance with procedures.  The Committee comprises six members, not more than three of whom are members of CETB and at least one of whom has recent and relevant financial experience.  The Committee is chaired by a member who is not a member of Cork ETB.

Finance Committee: The function of the Finance Committee is to report to the ETB on whether the CE is implementing the Service Plan within the expenditure limits.  This is done by considering the monthly accounts and ad hoc reports provided by the CE. Cork ETB’s Finance Committee comprises four members, at least one of whom is from outside the ETB and has relevant finance experience.

Boards of Management

Section 44 of the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013, provides for the establishment of committees to perform functions, on behalf of the ETB, which could be better or more conveniently performed by a committee.

Such committees comprise a maximum of 12 members, made up of ETB members, Bishop/Trustee nominees, nominees of other Religious Authorities, parents, staff members and nominees of other relevant partnerships.

Boards of Management of schools, colleges and other education centres are set up to oversee local management, under this section of the Act. The Board’s term of office is normally five years and Boards are required to meet at at least 5 times during the school year.

The membership of individual Boards of Management is outlined on the website of each school or centre. Links to these websites are available here.

Cork ETB Organisational Structure

A chart, showing the organisation structure of Cork ETB can be viewed here (PDF)

Pay/Grading Structures

The numbers of staff employed by Cork ETB under the main grading categories may be viewed here (PDF).

All staff are paid in accordance with salary scales determined by the Department of Education. These pay scales are available to view here.

If the pay scale you are seeking is not available at this location, please see: and search for the required category of staff.

Locations/Contact Details

Cork ETB Head Office is located at 21 Lavitt’s Quay Cork. Contact details for Head Office Staff can be viewed here.

You may also email enquiries to or use the messaging form on this website page.

Cork ETB Schools/Colleges/Centres

A map, showing the locations of all Cork ETB education and training centres, is available in interactive format here.

Contact details for all Cork ETB Schools, Colleges and Centres may be viewed here.

For the latest news about Cork ETB and issues affecting us, click here.

Links to Other Associated Bodies

Cork ETB works in association with a wide range of other public bodies and agencies. For details of same please see here.

Service Level Agreements are put in place to manage these types of partnership arrangements. For further information regarding these SLAs, please contact Clare Creedon, Administrative Officer at Head Office:

Customer Charter

Cork ETB values its customers and is committed to maintaining the highest levels of customer service at all times. Our Customer Charter and Customer Action Plan are available here

Third-Party Complaints Procedures: These procedures have been agreed nationally between ETBI and the main trade unions for dealing specifically with complaints made by Parents or Guardians of Students or by Students over the age of 18 years, against a member of Cork ETB’s staff. The procedures can be viewed here (PDF).

Accessibility Officer

The Disability Act of 2005 states that ‘each head of a public body shall authorise at least one of his/her officers (referred to in this Act as “access officers”) to provide or arrange for and co-ordinate the provision of assistance and guidance to persons with disabilities in accessing its services. The Accessibility Officer for Cork ETB is Clare Creedon.

She may be contacted at: or by contacting Head Office on 021-4907100

If a member of the public is dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint or appeal procedure, s/he may refer the matter to the Ombudsman for examination. See:

Codes of Practice/Guidelines

The main documents, which may be viewed here:

  • Code of Conduct for Staff
  • Code of Conduct for Staff Interaction with Learners
  • Teaching Council’s Professional Code for Teachers
  • Grievance Procedure
  • Disciplinary Procedures for Teachers & Non-Teaching Staff
  • Bullying Prevention Policy
  • Harassment & Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy

Child Protection

Cork ETB has a statutory duty and responsibility to safeguard all children and vulnerable persons under its care. Child Protection in schools is governed by Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children. This document is available at:

The Making of Protected Disclosures by Cork ETB Workers

In accordance with the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, Cork ETB is committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, openness and accountability in its administrative and management practices and recognises that staff play a key role in achieving these aims.

To that end, a comprehensive policy on the making of protected disclosures by all CETB stakeholders has been implemented. This policy is available here.

Cork ETB is required to make an Annual Report, in line with Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act, 2014.  These reports can be found below:

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